Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for July 12, what’s in store for Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Aries and other zodiac signs
Horoscope Today: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries, Leo and other zodiac signs for July 12.
The 12 signs in the zodiac calendar have their own traits that define a person. The positions of the sun and the planets decide how the day will look for us. Hence we think it might be helpful if you started your day by knowing what’ s going to come your way? Go on and find out if the odds are in your favour today.
*Aries (March 21-April 20): Experimenting with your diet has its plus points, so go ahead. An opportunity to travel to another city may come to you. A bad property deal can make you lose money. A suitable accommodation may be found by those looking for one. Salaried persons can expect an increment or bonus. Someone will share your burden at work and may expect you to do the same for him or her at a later date!
Love Focus: Initiative on the romantic front bears fruit.
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Alphabet: M
Friendly Numbers: 3, 6, 9
Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Libra
Be careful of: Leo
*Taurus (April 21-May 20): Monetary condition may take some time to improve, as you feel reluctant to cut corners. Health remains satisfactory through own efforts. Lack of attention to details may put you in the firing line on the domestic front. Accompanying someone for an out of town trip cannot be ruled out. This is not the right day to deal in property. Those appearing for a competition can expect things to turn out favourable. A time-consuming task will be completed by you in record time.
Love Focus: Love life remains most satisfying.
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 2, 4, 6
Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Scorpio
Be careful of: Libra
*Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Real estate agents can get hard pressed for offering discounts. Someone’s guidance promises to make things easy on the academic front. Home remedy is likely to work wonders for a minor ailment and restore your health. A financial issue can keep you mentally ill at ease. A new job will enable you to unravel your true talents. A family reunion is on the cards and is likely to be organised by you. Don’t let anyone drive your vehicle unless you are sure of his or her skills.
Love Focus: Romantic feelings may persist today, as lover seems much closer to your heart, than before.
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
Lucky Alphabet: J
Friendly Numbers: 3, 6, 9
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aries
Be careful of: Virgo
*Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): Good understanding with spouse is likely to bring him or her even closer to your heart. Don’t keep any issue pertaining to property pending. This is a good time to start something new, as success is foretold. Some positive indications in a deal can get you some respite. You will be able to raise the capital for funding a project. Those feeling unwell are likely to recover soon.
Love Focus: Lover may not agree to your unnecessary terms and conditions.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Alphabet: H
Friendly Numbers: 11, 12, 15
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Cancer
Be careful of: Aries
*Leo (July 23-August 23): Resetting the house will bring in a welcome change. Travel plans for meeting someone out of town are likely. You may have to go the extra mile on the academic front. Financially, you are set to grow stronger as new opportunities come your way. Diet control may become the key to your remaining fit. Professional reputation is likely to get a boost.
Love Focus: Romantic thoughts may keep you happily engaged today.
Lucky Colour : Yellow
Lucky Alphabet: D
Friendly Numbers: 5, 12, 17
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Cancer
Be careful of: Virgo
*Virgo (August 24-September 23): Family’s support will come when you need it the most. A piece of good news awaits some in the property market. Someone is likely to suggest the right path to follow on the academic front. Monetary condition improves, as you become determined to cut corners. You may get an added advantage over others at work. A break from regular workouts may tell on your health.
Love Focus: This is the best day for romance, so make the most of it!
Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Alphabet: G
Friendly Numbers: 5, 27
Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Scorpio
Be careful of: Leo
*Libra (September 24-October 23): Work demands can force some to neglect family. Tread carefully while discussing a property issue. You will need to keep others guessing if you want to do better on the academic front. Physical work will keep you fit. An opportunity on the financial front, if seized immediately can earn good returns. Getting recognition for a particular performance at work is possible.
Love Focus: Someone around you loves you, so rejoice!
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Lucky Alphabet: N
Friendly Numbers: 4, 6
Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Scorpio
Be careful of: Virgo
*Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Give ear to a family member’s advice as it will be for your own good. Travel is on the cards. Developing property may become your priority. Maintaining pace on the academic front will not prove too difficult. You are likely to convince your superiors for something you are passionate about. Health needs protection against seasonal ailments. Those thinking of putting money in a project should deliberate some more.
Love Focus: Lover may need space, so give romance a break.
Lucky Colour: Ivory
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 5, 14
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Gemini
*Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Good company promises to make a journey most entertaining. Chances of acquiring property look bright for some. You will manage to impress one and all on the social front. Financially, you will enjoy stability. A change in dietary habits is likely to do your health good. Professionals are likely to earn well today. Homemakers may be hard pressed for time to organise a function at home.
Love Focus: Romantic relationship may experience turbulence.
Lucky Colour: Light Orange
Lucky Alphabet: M
Friendly Numbers: 11, 26
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Scorpio
Be careful of: Taurus
*Capricorn (December 22-January 21): Helping out on the domestic front will give you a sense of immense satisfaction. A good price can be expected by those selling property. Some of you may become desperate to break the monotony of daily routine. Some of you will make extra efforts to complete a long pending task at work. Go for less lucrative investment options to play safe. Those out of shape may resolve to take up the path to fitness. Keep your options open on the career front.
Love Focus: Your romantic overtures are likely to get reciprocated, so expect the love life to blossom!
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Alphabet: N
Friendly Numbers: 11, 27
Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Virgo
Be careful of: Aries
*Aquarius (January 22-February 19): More confidence is needed by those learning how to drive. Setting up a new house is on the cards for some. Today, you may prefer peace and quiet to excitement on the social front. Remain a bit conservative on the money front. Health may need care. Impressing those who matter will be easy for you in career matters. A function at home can keep you busy and entertained.
Love Focus: Lover may irk you with his or her suspicious nature.
Lucky Colour: Off White
Lucky Alphabet: T
Friendly Numbers: 15, 11
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Capricorn
Be careful of: Cancer
*Pisces (February 20-March 20): Marriage of an eligible child or sibling will take priority over other things. Someone’s good gesture will save you from facing the traffic today. You will fare well on the academic front and manage to remain amongst the front runners. Your financial position remains strong. You are likely to beat the competition on the work front and emerge on top. You can enjoy surplus of energy today.
Love Focus: Newlyweds and young couples can expect a blissful existence together.
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Alphabet: D
Friendly Numbers: 4, 6
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Libra
Be careful of: Gemini
The astrologer can be contacted at psharma@premastrologer.com or support@askmanisha.com.