Photos: Only ash, shells of homes left on Philippine volcano island
Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
- A popular tourist destination just south of the Philippine capital of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on January 12, 2020. The volcanic eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the Covid-19 pandemic broke in the country. A year later, residents wish to return to their homes, but Taal still rumbles and what's left of home is ashen rubble.
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
Damaged structures seen at the Taal Volcano island, a year after the volcano erupted, in Batangas province, Philippines on January 12. The island is a ghost town, its trees just dead sticks in a gray landscape, its homes and school ash-covered and damaged by continuing earthquakes and the explosive volcanic eruption that occurred one year ago.(Lisa Marie David / REUTERS)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
Damaged houses are seen at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted, in Batangas province on January 10. A popular tourist destination set in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on January 12, 2020.(Aaron Favila / AP)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
Patterns of erosion on volcanic ash deposits are seen at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted, on January 10. More than 5,000 people, many of them working as tour guides, fled the small island as the ground shook and the volcano belched dark-gray ash and steam into the sky. Hundreds of horses, cows and other animals were left behind.(Aaron Favila / AP)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
A couple poses for a selfie with the Taal volcano in background almost a year after it erupted, on January 10. The eruption delivered an early crisis in what would become a tough year in one of the world’s most disaster-prone nations. A couple of months after the volcano sent more than 376,000 people fleeing to safety, the Covid-19 pandemic hit the country.(Aaron Favila / AP)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
A fisherman eats while feeding his cats at the Taal Volcano island, on January 12. Many evacuees stayed in state-run emergency shelters for a while, then returned to the ash-blanketed towns and cities in Batangas province as the danger subsided.(Lisa Marie David / REUTERS)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
Luisa Silva, a former resident of Taal volcano, arranges her kitchen at their tent at a relocation site in Balete, on January 10. Silva, who wishes to return, used to live at the foot of the Taal volcano and told AP that life will never be the same. “Right now life is very hard, we are not used to this. This is where we have experienced things that we have never experienced before, we don’t know where to start,” she said.(Aaron Favila / AP)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
Damaged houses lie at Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted, on January 10. Silva wants to return to the island if the government allows it. She said they can grow vegetables and raise livestock at their homes on the island, saving them from needing to buy food. Their animals also once carried tourists to see the picturesque crater.(Aaron Favila / AP)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST
Fisherman Rogelito Cacao looks at the remains of his house at the Taal volcano on January 10. Cacao regularly visits his home on the volcanic island south of the Philippine capital. “I miss our belongings but it is now covered in ash, our livestock like our cow, our horse, our pig, our boat and engines are all covered by the volcano, these are what I miss,” he told AP.(Aaron Favila / AP)
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Published on Jan 15, 2021 06:00 PM IST