‘First-year students cannot keep vehicles on PU campus’
The Panjab University has decided not to allow its first-year students to keep vehicles on the campus.
The Panjab University has decided not to allow its first-year students to keep vehicles on the campus.

The decision was taken in a recent meeting on mitigating traffic woes on the campus, chaired by Dean, Student Welfare (DSW) Navdeep Goyal.
The traf fic problem on PU campus has assumed alar ming proportions and a worried university is struggling to come up with the ways to reduce the congestion.
Various plans to mitigate the problem have so far fallen flat. In fact, PU had unsuccessfully tried to disallow first year students from keeping cars on the campus last year, but was forced to withdraw its orders after opposition from students.
Confirming the decision, Goyal said that penalty for flouting of the rule is still under consideration. However, those who had attended the meet said that any violation would attract harsh punishment , including expulsion from university hostels. “We need to take bold steps to reduce the congestion. If a student could afford a vehicle, he can also afford private accommodation,” said a senior official. Every year, nearly 3,000 students take admission to courses offered in the campus.
In another attempt to reduce congestion at PU gates, the university would make provision for two lanes for entry at gate no 1(opposite Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research). Vehicles with passes, issued to students and faculty members, would b e allowed to use one lane while the other is for others.
“Vehicles with stickers will not have to stand in queue and wait their turn, thus reducing congestion. This would also enable us to check the vehicles of visitors thoroughly,” said chief security officer Jatinder Grover adding that the system, which will begin at gate no 1 from June 20, would be implemented at other gates if it is successful.
This decision gains significance in the light of a spurt of violence: vehicles belonging to some miscreants involved in the acts continue to remain untraceable.
Officials said the new measure would help in keep a strict tab on vehicles entering campus. Officials said that eight security guards would be specially deployed from new academic session to manage traffic on the campus. Currently, there are no security guards assigned with the task.
Officials said that eight security guards would be specially deployed from new academic session to manage traffic on the campus. Currently, there are no security guards assigned with the task.
Additionally, the construction department has also been asked to mark parking lots for the physics department, hostel nos 7 and 5 as well as widen the road in front of the English department before the start of the new session.PU has also decided to hoist new sign boards across the campus to guide visitors regarding parking.