Universities across the country will now have a new subject ‘anti-corruption’ in their curriculum.The University Grants Commission (UGC), has written to all universities, including Panjab University, for inclusion of anti corruption subject in the syllabus of relevant subjects of law, public administration and human rights.
Universities across the country will now have a new subject ‘anti-corruption’ in their curriculum.
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The University Grants Commission (UGC), a central regulatory body, has written to all universities, including Panjab University, for inclusion of anti corruption subject in the syllabus of relevant subjects of law, public administration and human rights.
PU registrar and dean university instructions (DUI), AK Bhandari said he was yet to receive the letter but stated it was a welcome step and letter would be taken up at the appropriate level.
The letter signed by Upa manyu Basu , financial adviser to UGC, states the government of India was actively participating in the activities of International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA).
“In order to strengthen participation and to combat corruption in its every form, the ministry of human resource development, department of higher education has considered for inclusion of subject,” stated the letter.
The letter further asks universities to promote research work in this field at higher educational institutes. The letter was written in June after new government took over at the centre.
A fellowship student at PU Dalip Kumar said, “It is a welcome step. Such a move will go a long way in creating awareness against corruption. But I doubt its introduction as a fullfledged course. It can be taught as a mandatory unit in one of the semesters in various courses.”
Another top of ficial noted the letter would be presented in syndicate and the senate before introduction of any course material on the subject.
“It is very unlikely that it will be started from this academic session. It will need some brainstorming,” added the official.
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News/Cities/Others/ Now, ways to fight corruption to be taught at universities