]Latest from alzheimer's
Break into sweat: Study shows aerobic exercise reduces Alzheimer’s risk
Alzheimer’s disease has limited drug to slow down the progression, but regular exercise helps to reduce risk significantly.

No to sugar in coffee!Study shows unsweetened coffee reduces Alzheimer's disease
Skip the temptation to sweeten your coffee, and see how it's good for your brain, as a study states it lowers Alzheimer's risk substantially.

Drink three cups of green tea daily to prevent the risk of these brain diseases
Green tea is a powerful beverage with its antioxidant properties that support brain health.

Could your evening glass of wine be accelerating Alzheimer’s? Study finds…
Raise a glass? Not so fast—Alcohol may be speeding up your risk of getting Alzheimer’s.

Updated on Jan 05, 2025 03:40 PM IST
Study reveals 12 questions that neurologists should ask their patients
From safety to medical access to mood swings, here are 11 questions that doctors should ask patients to assess their mental conditions.