According to Vanrai police, the victim was crossing Aarey Colony after distributing milk towards Malad when an SUV car coming from the opposite direction hit his bike
Victim Gurtej Singh, 21, of Ferozepur had reached the city for work two weeks ago and was out for food delivery around 11.30 pm on Monday when four motorcycle-borne miscreants intercepted him. They took out cash and mobile phone from his pocket. When he confronted them, one of the accused hit him with a rod.
24-year-old woman killed in Navi Mumbai after bike skidded to avoid potholes, run over by speeding trailer. Another man, 74, succumbs to injuries in separate accident.
In his complaint, a witness Sakir said that the driver of Karnal-registered Haryana Roadways hit Shahrukh’s bike head-on, while his bike hit by another two-wheeler behind the bus and they received injuries