]Latest from constipation
Diabetes and gastrointestinal complications: Dietary strategies that can help
From having high-fiber foods to being hydrated, here are a few dietary tips to manage gastrointestinal complications in diabetics.

Stress, sleepless nights are wreaking havoc on your digestion? Tips to fix this
Processed foods, stress and sedentary living are the triple threat to your digestive health. Here's how to fix it.

Struggling with constipation? Here’s what experts say you are doing wrong
When lifestyle changes aren’t enough: Here's what to do about chronic constipation.

Beat festive overindulgence: How herbs and spices can relieve digestive woes
Overeating during festivals can cause indigestion and bloating. Herbs and spices, including ginger and cumin, can help alleviate discomfort and boost immunity.

Is your poop schedule telling you something? Bathroom habits reveal hidden issue
From constipation to colon cancer: Why you shouldn’t ignore your gut's red flags as your poop schedule could be a warning of serious health risks