Hansi Truck Union former president Sanjay Kasana, who was accompanying Bhayana, said that armed assailants reached the site soon after the MLA arrived and one of them pointed a gun at his neck but before he could open fire, a youngster showed presence of mind and threw a stone at the gun that fell from the attacker’s hand.
In a dramatic turn of events, assailant aims at MLA’s neck but fails to open fire as alert youngster throws stone at his hand, leading to the gun falling.
ASI Jaswant Singh, deployed at Mohali’s Phase-1 police station, was seen holding a gun in his hand while having heated argument with a family in Madanpura Village
More than 15,000 women civilians now own a firearm in Israel and the occupied West Bank, with 10,000 enrolled in mandatory training, according to the ministry.