Tewari claimed that he had been making honest efforts to find ways and means to “break into the veil of bureaucratic inertia afflicting the city, which has stemmed from undemocratic style of their functioning and decision-making process”
While Chandigarh got a new UT administrator in Gulab Chand Kataria and MP in Manish Tewari, Panchkula and Kalka elected Chander Mohan and Shakti Rani Sharma, respectively, as their representatives. The year also saw mayoral poll presiding officer Anil Masih’s fall from grace besides legal proceedings in high-profile crimes over relationship disputes carried out in cold blood.
This time, the post will go to a woman as per the city’s five-year mayoral rotation system; Tewari urges UT administrator to approve the House resolution providing for a show of hands instead of secret voting to appoint the mayor, senior deputy mayor and deputy mayor.
“These three months have been a reality check, as there was so much ambiguity over the last two decades over issues concerning Chandigarh,” said Manish Tewari