MS Swaminathan (1925-2023)
MS Swaminathan, the father of India's Green Revolution, wrote several articles for the Hindustan Times over five decades, from the late 1960s to the 2010s. In lucid prose, he touched upon several important aspects of the Green Revolution, how the revolution should continue, the harmful impact of food inflation and the country's food policy. moreProfessor Swaminathan ushered in new era of agri prosperity, PM Modi writes
The Green Revolution offered a glimpse of India’s “Can Do Spirit” — that if we have challenges, we also have minds to overcome those challenges.

HT Archives: Implications for India
"The Green Revolution has raised new hopes for the hungry and poor world"

HT Archives: Keeping the Green Revolution green
“What we need now is an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable green revolution or what may be termed as evergreen revolution”

HT Archives: New frontiers in farming
“The release of the dwarf varieties of wheat and rice and hybrids of jowar, maize and bajra, has during the last few years changed the entire situation”

MS Swaminathan, father of India’s Green Revolution, dies
Born in Tamil Nadu’s Thanjavur district, he was named the first World Food Prize laureate for developing and spearheading the introduction of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties into India