nick fury
]Latest from nick fury
Unmasking the woman in the climactic ending of Secret Invasion episode 2
Unlock the mystery behind the intriguing woman at the end of Secret Invasion Episode 2.

Samuel L Jackson says his Avengers script was stolen, Marvel set up a fake buy
Samuel L. Jackson said the security protocols have grown stronger at Marvel Studios after his watermarked script for The Avengers was stolen from the office.

Method Studios clarifies use of AI in Secret Invasion credits amid backlash
Method Studios clarifies their role and emphasizes AI as just one tool among many.

AI invades Marvel’s Secret Invasion opening sequence
Director of Marvel's Secret Invasion confirms that Method Studios used AI to design the opening sequence. Fans are unhappy with this decision.

Samuel L Jackson says biggest concern was to keep Marvel from killing Nick Fury
Samuel L. Jackson is finally playing the lead role in the MCU, in Disney+ series Secret Invasion. This is his 15th year as Nick Fury.