According to the latest WC weekly report, Ranjit Sagar dam in Punjab has recorded a deficiency of 61% from normal storage while Bhakra and Pong reservoirs, located in Himachal Pradesh, recorded a deficiency of 25% from normal storage
The administration had warned people about possible release of water from the dam but villagers were unwilling to leave their houses and other belongings
According to officials, Bhakra Dam received inflow of 45,509 cusecs and 68,844 cusecs of water was released on Wednesday as the water level in the reservoir is rising fast and touched 1,677 feet, three feet short of the maximum capacity of 1,680 feet
The Punjab government has sounded a red alert in districts downstream of the Pong and Bhakra dams, including Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala, Tarn Taran and Ropar, as Beas and Sutlej levels rise due to heavy rain in catchment Himachal Pradesh