Actor Varun Kapoor, who turns 37 today, reflects on his journey in the industry and feels fortunate to have reached a position where he can choose his roles. He is celebrating his special day with his family in Uttarakhand and is content with the work he has done, including his debut film Gangubai Kathiawadi, which recently won big at the National Awards. Kapoor is also looking forward to more opportunities in the OTT space.
Dr Rakesh Sehgal had filed a petition with the Central Administrative Tribunal, requesting that the respondents, which include PGIMER and the ministry of health, be directed to permit him to remain in service until the age of 70, like in AIIMS and other medical colleges
China’s “hopes and believes” Germany will support China’s “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan, top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi told Germany’s foreign minister Annalena Baerbock in Beijing, the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement on Saturday.