]Latest from posture
Master the iconic downward dog: Ultimate guide to Yoga’s most versatile pose
From desk stress to Yoga success: Here's why you need Downward Dog in your fitness routine and exercise tips to do so.

How to ‘look 10 years younger without expensive surgery’: Acupuncturist says...
Good posture plays an important role in how youthful someone appears, according to an acupuncturist who shared her tip to looking younger in just 30 days.

5 most common spine problems and how to manage them
83% people in India suffer and struggle in daily life due to back pain. Here are 5 most common spine problems in Indians with tips to manage them

Your office chair could be sending you to the surgeon—Here’s how to prevent it
Don't let your spinal health pay the price of long hours at work. Check these tips as spine problems surge in corporate India courtesy poor posture at workplace

Avoid back pain woes this wedding season with these doctor-approved tips
Don’t let back pain ruin your festivities or wedding season preps. Check out these expert tips to stay pain-free this season.