]Latest from stigma
A dietitian's perspective on body positivity; tips to promote it
Ditch the judgment in New Year 2025: Here are 4 ways to support body positivity and end weight discrimination

World AIDS Day: What is the theme for 2024? Know date, history and more
World AIDS Day 2024: It is held on December 1 to raise awareness about the prevention. From theme to history, here's all you need to know.

Man who lost 32 kg reveals people's reaction to him before and after weight loss
A US man discusses the frustration he feels when people think they have the right to ignore you just because you are overweight.

Truth about viral hepatitis: Facts, myths and stigma
Health expert dispels myths and misinformation about viral hepatitis, shares facts that you should know

Break mental health stigma: Tips to address social anxiety in teens
Social anxiety in teens can feel like a villain holding them hostage. Mental health experts suggest tips to recognise and address social anxiety in teens