An escort for the ultra-rich reveals why she quit sex work: ‘regardless of the compensation…’
American author and former sex worker Charlotte Shane has opened up about the years she worked as an escort for the ultra-rich
American author and former sex worker Charlotte Shane has opened up about the years she worked as an escort for the ultra-rich. In her recently-published memoir ‘An Honest Woman: A Memoir of Love and Sex Work,’ Shane spoke about her time as a runaway teen, the two decades she worked as an escort for 1%, her relationship with her clients and more.

In the run-up to the publication of her memoir, Shane also reveals why she quit the profession.
Charlotte Shane started working as an escort for the ultra-rich during the presidency of George Bush. “Work as an escort entails a certain blankness: shower, pick an outfit, go to a hotel, leave a hotel,” she wrote in her memoir, according to an excerpt published by the Wall Street Journal. In the excerpt, she spoke about how, when she “started escorting in the early 2010s, websites featured stock photos of jets and champagne and black American Express cards.”
Today, however, marketing has evolved massively - and that is part of the reason why Shane quit sex work.
She elaborated upon her decision to quit sex work in a post published on Instagram. “The main reason I last quit sex work wasn't the actual face-to-face labor, it was the marketing. These days sex workers, even in person workers without OnlyFans accounts, have to operate like influencers in order to advertise and, for me, that extracts too much regardless of the compensation,” she explained.
“It's been wonderful to not take or post pictures of my life (or pictures that might fool people about what my life is like.) To not think about how I look is bliss. To not feel pressure to own or wear or buy things to impress other people is bliss. I feel like I have a shot at being my real self, that the circumstances have never been more amenable for me to become whatever I'm meant to be and live in the way I was meant to live,” she added.
You can read her blog post in entirety below: