India witnessed over 3 lakh cases in a day after 8 months, as per Union health ministry's data. India logged 3,17,532 cases in the last 24 hours taking the tally to 38,218,773. The active Covid-19 cases in the country rose to 19,24,051, the highest in 234 days. Increase of 93,051 cases was recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours. The death toll climbed to 4,87,693 with 491 fresh fatalities, as per Health Ministry’s data. 9,287 cases of the fast-spreading variant, Omicron, have been detected so far in 29 states, said the ministry. There has also been a 3.63 per cent increase in Omicron cases since Wednesday. Watch the full video for more.