BJP's Suvendu Adhikari claimed to have won from Nandigram seat by a margin of 1,200 votes. Adhikari was pitted against West Bengal CM and TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee from the seat. Mamata said she will move the court regarding Nandigram results and against the Elections Commission. She called TMC win as a 'landslide' and said she will welcome whatever verdict Nandigram gives. Earlier, mystery surrounded the result of the high-profile Nandigram fight. While BJP claimed that Adhikari won the Nandigram seat by 1,600 seats, TMC urged people to stay away from speculating as counting was still on. As counting began on Sunday, Adhikari was maintaining a comfortable margin in trends. In the afternoon, Mamata overtook Adhikari and reports suggested that she had won. Soon after, BJP's Amit Malviya said Adhikari won the seat by 1,622 votes. Mamata contested from Nandigram for the first time, leaving her home seat Bhabanipur. Nandigram witnessed a high voltage game of power on April 1 in the second phase of polls. At state level, TMC is leading on 210+ seats while BJP is leading on 70+ seats. The counting of votes in the state began on Sunday at 8 am following Covid-19 protocols.