Organisational psychologist Anthony Klotz discusses The Great Reshuffle
Published on Jan 21, 2022 05:49 PM IST
Anthony Klotz, an organisational psychologist and professor of management at Texas A&M University, coined the term The Great Resignation in May 2021. He predicted that four factors would combine to cause an unprecedented wave of quittings. He was right. In September 2021 alone, 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs. The US Bureau of Labour Statistics termed this a historic high, spawning a wave of debates on what this meant for the world of work. India saw the highest attrition rates in five years, 15% higher than in 2019, the HT Media newspaper Mint reported in November. Here, Klotz talks to HT Wknd’s Anesha George about The Great Resignation, The Great Reshuffle, and what he predicts will come next.
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/ Organisational psychologist Anthony Klotz discusses The Great Reshuffle