Congress-led INDIA bloc recently suffered a big setback in West Bengal where ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee declared that the TMC won't enter into a seat-sharing agreement with Congress and other INDIA partners for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Mamata Banerjee, a fierce critic of BJP and a proponent of opposition unity, said her party will go solo and would defeat BJP in the Lok Sabha elections in the state. In an interview to Hindustan Times' Kumkum Chadha, TMC leader and Rajya Sabha MP (elect) Sushmita Dev revealed the reason behind TMC's decision of not sharing seats with INDIA partners in Bengal. Watch.
News/Videos/Shows/ 'Cong Did Nothing...': TMC Reveals Why Mamata Ditched INDIA Bloc In Bengal | Sushmita Dev Interview