Renowned cardiologist Dr. C.N. Manjunath emerged as one of the biggest winners in the Lok Sabha elections 2024. Contesting his first ever election, the cardiologist-turned-politician beat DK Suresh, the sitting Congress MP and brother of Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, from the Bangalore Rural by a massive margin. But why did the Padma Shri awardee, once praised by Obama, decide to take the political plunge? What advice did he get from his father-in-law, HD Deve Gowda? The first time MP opens up on these and a lot more issues in the latest edition of The Interview with Kumkum Chadha.
News/Videos/Shows/ HD Deve Gowda's Son-In-Law On Nepotism In Politics, Prajwal Revanna Row & Vaccine-Heart Attack Link