Russia Tears Into U.S. At UNSC Meet On Gaza War; 'Giving Israel License To Kill' | Watch
Published on Feb 28, 2024 05:52 PM IST
Russia and the U.S. locked horns at the UN Security Council meeting on the Gaza war. The war of words between the envoys of the two nations soon took an ugly turn, when Vassily Nebenzia told Robert Wood to not lecture Russia on wars. He said that the U.S. had destroyed Syria and Afghanistan. He also accused the U.S. of granting Israel the license to kill Palestinians in Gaza. The U.S. envoy hit back by citing Russia's war in Ukraine. "So Russia is in no position frankly, to criticize any country while it continues to flagrantly and relentlessly violate the UN Charter," said Robert Wood. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS #israelhamaswar #gaza #humanitarianaid #israel #telaviv #benjaminetanyahu #Licensetokill #Palestine #usa #Unitedstates #washington #Joebiden #robertwood #russia #Moscow #Kremlin #vladimirputin #vassilynebenzia #unsc #meeting #Unitednations #securitycouncil #russiaukrainewar #envoy #ambassador #fight #clash #heatedexchange #argument Hindustan Times Videos brings all the News for the Global Indian under one umbrella. We break down news from across the globe from the unique lens of a Rising India. Tune in for Explainers, Opinions, Analysis and a 360 degree view of big events in India and the World which impact your present and future. Follow the Hindustan Times Channel on WhatsApp for News Alerts, Top Stories and Editor picks. Join Us Today - Subscribe to the Hindustan Times YT channel and press the bell icon to get notified when we go live. Visit our website Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Facebook
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/ Russia Tears Into U.S. At UNSC Meet On Gaza War; 'Giving Israel License To Kill' | Watch