Actor and martial artist Vidyut Jammwal frequently takes to Instagram to post pics and videos of himself amidst nature. The actor recently shared pics from his Himalayan retreat.
Video Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
He shared this pic of himself sitting without clothes near a stream.
Photo Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
The actor shared this pic in which he can be seen practicing vrikshasana (tree pose) inside a stream.
Photo Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
He also posted this pic in which he can be seen cooking food on a wood fire, naked in the wilderness of the Himalayas.
Photo Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
The actor wrote a long caption about his retreat. Here's what he wrote.
Photo Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
Earlier, the actor posted this video of climbing trees in Uttarakhand and wrote in the caption, "Kalaripayattu says: There are different ways to “climb up in life”, why choose the regular?"
Video Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
From standing naked in a Himalayan stream to sitting shirtless during snowfall, here are some more pics and videos of the actor.
Photo Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
He shared this video himself taking a hot mud bath in a mud volcano in Azerbaijan.
Video Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
Here are a couple of pics shared by Vidyut in which he can be seen meditating in snow.
Photo Credits: Instagram/@mevidyutjammwal
Here's a video shared by the actor in which he can be seen climbing a tree with roller skates on.