Here are some homemade serums that can help you tame dry and frizzy hair
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Aloe vera hair serum
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Blend 1 cup of pure aloe vera gel with 1 cup of coconut oil, 2 tbsp of rose water and 3 tbsp of vitamin E oil. Store this mixture in a spritz bottle and use it as a serum
Video Credit: Pexels
Lavender hair serum
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Mix 1 cup of grapeseed oil with 4 tbsp of vitamin E oil. Add 10 drops of lavender oil to it and store it in a spritz bottle. Apply this homemade serum to damp hair to avoid frizz
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Glycerin hair serum
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Mix 1 cup of rosewater with 1 cup of glycerin. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spritz it on your damp hair for soft and hydrated strands
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Green tea serum
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Brew 1 cup of green tea and mix 1 cup of argon oil with it. Refrigerate it for 2-3 hours. Store it in a spray bottle and shake it well before applying to your hair
Image Credit: Unsplash
Rosemary hair serum
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Mix 1 cup of rosemary hair oil with 4 tbsp of vitamin E oil and store it in a spray bottle. Apply two to three drops of this hair serum to damp hair