By Neha Yadav
Published May 23, 2023

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

9 Hair Oiling Mistakes You Must Avoid

Here are some common hair-oiling mistakes you must avoid to prevent hair damage

Vigorous massages

Avoid massaging your head vigorously while applying oil as the friction between the hair strands can cause hair fall. Opt for a gentle scalp massage for healthy hair

Leaving oil overnight

Do not leave your hair with oil overnight as it can weaken your hair strands. Dust and dirt can get accumulated on your scalp and contribute to dandruff and hair loss

Applying too much oil

Avoid applying too much hair oil as it can clog your hair follicles and cause irritation in your scalp. Apply only a little amount of oil that is enough for your scalp to absorb

Applying oil to wet hair

Do not apply oil to wet hair as it can lead to hair loss, clog the pores and damage hair texture. Your hair may even look greasy after drying

If you have an oily or flaky scalp, then applying oil to your hair can further clog pores. Instead, apply aloe vera gel as it helps soothe the scalp and improves the texture of your hair

Applying oil to oily or flaky scalp

Applying cold oil

Avoid applying cold oil to your hair as it may not get absorbed properly into the scalp. Instead, opt for warm oil which can easily gets absorbed into the pores and nourish your hair

Not combing hair

If you do not comb your hair before applying hair oil then it can cause tangles and lead to hair loss. Always comb your hair before applying oil to prevent breakage

Not tying your hair

If you have long hair, then make sure to tie your hair after oiling them. This will prevent friction between hair and strengthen your strands.  Do not tie your hair too tightly as it can cause breakage

Going out with oily hair

Avoid stepping outside with oily hair as dust, pollution and dirt can accumulate on your scalp and damage your hair