Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow Writer dies - 10 life-changing quotes he gave the world
Daniel Kahneman peacefully died on March 27. But he didn't forget to impart sincerely worthwhile lessons before parting ways.
Best-selling psychologist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman regrettably passed away on Wednesday, according to a press release from Princeton University. His partner, Barbara Tversky, confirmed his demise. The 90-year-old Israeli-American author reportedly died peacefully. Although the cause of his passing remains unreported, his pioneering documentation of what most of us may be thinking is widely known and respected.

The Nobel laureate ironically won the high-ranking accolade for introducing the psychological-based branch of economics despite never officially being acquainted with the latter field of study. Upending the social science, he debunked the vision of “Homo economicus” or “economic man,” a hypothetical figure representing unconditional rationality in the face of self-interest, through his ‘Prospect Theory’ with Amos Tversky.
Kahneman deflated this notion, claiming people rely more on shortcuts that often lead to wrong decisions working against their best interests. Asserting people “are much too quick to jump to conclusions under some conditions and, under other conditions, they are much too slow to change,” he cited that instead of listening to their rational make-up, humans are “much too influenced by recent events.”
Targeting these insights from psychological research into economic science about “human judgement and decision-making under uncertainty,” Dr Daniel Kahneman secured the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002. Shattering several commonly held beliefs, the long-term associate of Princeton University spearheaded the new dawn of economics, giving its traditional counterpart a run for its money. Here are some of the Thinking Fast and Slow author's most iconic quotes that will propel you to turn your line of thought on its head.
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Some of the best Daniel Kahneman quotes
- From Thinking Fast and Slow (2011):

2. From Well-Being: Foundations of Hedonic Psychology (1999):

3. From an interview:



6. From Thinking Fast and Slow:

7. From Thinking Fast and Slow:


